FreeForm v1.3, Copyright 1995-1997 Shoptalk Systems --------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to Frank Michielli, who made many enhancements to Freeform v1.2, culminating in this release! FreeForm make Liberty BASIC easier and more fun by eliminating much of the grunt work that goes into creating window code. It also helps alleviate Visual BASIC envy (grin)! FreeForm is not standalone software! FreeForm v1.3 is designed to work with Liberty BASIC v1.3. It works with both the shareware and registered versions that program. ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE FreeForm is our lightweight visual tool. For your serious visual programming needs, check out Enhancer Pro by Triad Productions! Enhancer Pro is specially designed for Liberty BASIC!! Visit for more info!! ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE How to use FreeForm v1.3 --------------------------------------------------------------- Pull down the Run menu from inside Liberty BASIC, and select FreeForm v1.3. FreeForm will now load and run. FreeForm is a large program and may take a few seconds to start up. Once FreeForm is running, you can begin designing your own windows with it. To place a control onto the window, just click on the button for that control. You may be asked for a label. Once the control is displayed, you may move and resize it to your liking. Tips: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - You can resize the window design by clicking anywhere on its surface. Then drag the resizing tag (located at the lower right of the form) to resize. - Inspect each item that you add and edit its properties. - Once your layout is complete, generate code by pulling down the Output menu and selecting one of the two options there. Then, after your window code has been generated, copy it from its window, and paste it into your program at an appropriate spot. - Don't forget to save your work. - If you have any problems, please feel free to call 508-872-5315 ! Feel free to modify this program to meet your own requirements. If you decide to share your modifications with others, you may upload your file to bulletin boards provided your file description (FILE_ID.DIZ) CLEARLY states that the file is modified and not original. You must include copies of the original FFEXP.BAS and FFEXP.TKN files in your upload, and you must also make mention of this inside your archived upload named NOTICE.TXT (we've included an example NOTICE.TXT file). Shoptalk Systems may be reached at: Shoptalk Systems PO Box 1062 Framingham, MA 01701 USA and by telephone at: 508-872-5315 by telnet at by CompuServe at: 71231,1532 on the Internet at Look at our WWW Home Page at: